Sunday, May 31, 2009

Greensboro Stop

So it's almost midnight here in Greensboro - and after correcting some grammatical errors our oh so studious readers sent in (you would think they were all teachers or something...), it's time for another entry in the blog!

First off, this afternoon's set-list:

Sunflower Land
Prodigal Son
House of Stone and Light
Let Your Light Shine
Blue Boat
Heal This Land
One Love
Shine On
Trying To Find a Purpose
Little Help From My Friends
Lean On Me
Long Train Runnin'
Turn, Turn, Turn

The sound today was particularly well mixed, and the band played a great set that really got the crowd going. Speaking of crowds, a special thanks to all of Holy Trinity for being so supportive and coming out in such large numbers. Everyone here @ SRP appreciates it!!

To future show attendees, the band is working on some very cool songs to add later in the tour, so don't expect to see the same set-list twice! One song in particular I'm very excited about...

In other news, all members of the SRP have officially switched to the "automatic drift" method of steering in Mario Kart. We understand that some of the purists out there will probably call this a "sissy move" - but we all prefer to be able to focus on crushing other players, rather than sliding into a turn.

Also, since tomorrow is our first day of real driving, SRP will be starting our inter-band mix contest. Basically we all had to anonymously create hour long mixes and submit them for judgement by the band during the course of our travels. The winner collects a whooping $5 from his fellow band-mates. If the winner can then assign each mix to it's original creator, everyone ponies up another $5. I'm feeling pretty good about my chances, but what do our readers think? Who is the best mix maker in the band? And if you had to start a mix, what would your opening two songs be?

Ok, enough of this for tonight...but don't think I'm going to bed - it's Wii bowling time and I have a score to settle with Mr. Hensley. (Who, as I sit here typing, is literally bowling between his legs facing backwards...nice) So long from Greensboro!! We can't wait to see everyone in Cary tomorrow night!

Tomorrow Night's Show:

Saint Paul's Episcopal
221 Union Street
Cary NC

Show starts at 7:00!


  1. I wholeheartedly stand behind this playlist! Keep on having fun, boys!

  2. How many folks made it to the Holy Trinity show, would you say?

  3. Thanks Shelley!

    And B, I'd say Holy Trinity was somewhere between 60 and 70 people. It was really great.

  4. Ditto Shelley and the set list. I'm interested to see what new songs the band is working on as the tour progresses. I'm also excited to hear how the mix contest goes. Y'all take it easy. E He

  5. I do recognize some of these songs : )
    so will there be a CD??...I live to far away to be able to see but I sure wouldnt mind paying to hear!...
